
Pantry of HOPE currently provides food for 300-350 + people twice per month. Some of our food is donated. Some of our food is provided to us for free from Gleaners Food Bank. But the majority of our food we provide is purchased from Gleaners at a discounted rate. However, to supply nutritious meals, we spend approximately $1,800 per month.

Most of our funds to purchase this food comes from the following sources:  

We partner with HOPE worldwide, LTD to operate this pantry through the Indianapolis Chapter. One of the services they provide is an accounting service where they hold our funds and oversee the distribution of these funds towards our mission.

If you would like to join us in our mission to provide nutritious meals to those in need, please donate to our chapter directly.

See below with instructions to ensure the funds are directed towards the Pantry of HOPE.

Donating to Our Chapter

Click here to get started. It is important to specify that you are donating to the Indianapolis Chapter and that you'd like the funds directed towards the Pantry of HOPE at Rise Church.

Fill in your billing details and then submit.  You'll receive an email with a receipt for each monthly donation.  We'll keep an eye out on our receipts each month and make sure that everything looks good.

Thank You!

Thank you so much for joining us as we help fight hunger in Indianapolis. Every donation helps!